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New Appointment System Posted or Updated on 1 May 2024

All appointment and administrative requests will be captured using a secure online form which can be completed by phone, tablet or computer. The information submitted will be reviewed, typically on the same day, by a GP-led triage team who will then respond with further advice and/or information about available appointments which can be conveniently booked using an online link. 

We are starting this system from Tuesday 10th October and you will notice an updated phone message giving the option to receive a link to the form when you call. The form can also be accessed directly via the appointments page on the practice website.

For people who are, for any reason, unable to access or complete the online form the option to speak to one of the reception team remains; either over the phone or by attending the practice. The reception team will then assist in collecting the necessary information and completing the form on your behalf.

We anticipate this will reduce our morning rush for appointments and give all patients equal opportunity to access appointments that are appropriate for their needs. A mix of telephone, video and face-to-face appointments remain available with all clinical staff. 

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